몸값올리기/입트영 (11) 썸네일형 리스트형 입트영(19.04.30)-Music(음악) #직장인 #영어회화 #입트영 #오픽 /연관글나만의 입트영 활용법 /STEP 1Talk about when and where you normally listen to music.본인이 음악을 언제 그리고 어디서 주로 듣는지 이야기해 보세요.[Response]I usually listen to music on my cell phone. Since I carry around my phone everywhere, I can listen to music wherever I am. I often listen to music when I'm on the move. For example, l listen to music on the subway or the bus. I also listen to music in the car when I'm drivin.. 입트영(19.04.29)-Movies(영화) #직장인 #영어회화 #입트영 #오픽 /연관글 나만의 입트영 활용법 /STEP 1Talk about the types of movies you like to watch.본인이 즐겨 보는 영화 장르에 대해 이야기해 보세요.[Response]I am not that picky with movies, so I just watch whatever is fun. The only types of movies I do not like are horror movies, sci-fi movies, and superhero movies. Plus, I enjoy watching Korean movies. Korean movies have become a lot better than in the past. They are breaking the record a.. 입트영(19.04.12)-Coughing(기침) #직장인 #영어회화 #입트영 #오픽 /연관글나만의 입트영 활용법 /STEP 1Talk about when you had a bad cough due to a cold.감기로 인한 심한 기침으로 고생했던 경험에 대해 이아기해 주세요.[Response]A while ago, I caught a bad cold. I had a sore throat at first. The symptoms went downhill until I couldn't talk out loud. Also, I couldn't stop coughing. There was a lot of phlegm, so I had a tight chest and I kept coughing. Every time I coughed, there was unbearable pain in my.. 입트영(19.04.11) - Funiture(가구) #직장인 #영어회화 #입트영 #오픽 / 연관글나만의 입트영 활용법 / STEP 1Talk about when you bought new furniture.새 가구를 구입한 경험에 대해 이야기해 주세요.[Response]We recently moved into a new house, so we bought some new furniture. We had used our sofa for over 15 years, so we replaced it with a new one. We got rid of the old sofa. We took a look at the items at a furniture store, and bought a new sofa. We had it delivered on the day of the move. We posit.. 입트영(19.04.10) - Life after Retirement(퇴직 후 인생) #직장인 #영어회화 #입트영 #오픽 / 연관글나만의 입트영 활용법 / STEP 1Talk about what people around you do after retirement.주변 사람들이 은퇴 후에 하는 일들에 대해 이야기해 주세요.[Response]My father retired after 35 years on the job. He invested in real estate. He also receives a pension every month, so there are no financial issues. As a hobby, he continues to play tennis. He finds happiness by exercising with neighbors. He also meets with fellow churchgoers a.. 입트영(19.04.09) - Working Moms(워킹맘) #직장인 #영어회화 #입트영 #오픽 / 연관글 나만의 입트영 활용법 / STEP 1 Talk about your daily routine as a mom. 엄마로서의 일상에 대해 이야기해 주세요. [Response] When I get out of bed in the morning, I make breakfast. Then I wake up the kids. The eldest goes to elementary school. I help her get dressed and pack her bag, and I send her off to school. Our younger son goes to pre-school. I take him out in time for the school bus. After the kids are gone, I t.. 입트영(19.04.08) - Diets(다이어트) #직장인 #영어회화 #입트영 #오픽 / 연관글나만의 입트영 활용법 / STEP 1Talk about when you went on a diet.다이이트를 한 경험에 대해 이야기해 주세요.[Response]I set a goal for the two months of winter break. I had only one meal each day, and worked out every day for at least an hour. I got pumped up by watching success stories of people who lost weight on YouTube. I hung up a pair of pants in the smallest size on the wall. My goal was to lose weight until I c.. 입트영(19.04.05) - Skin Types and Skincare(피부 타입과 피부 관리) #직장인 #영어회화 #입트영 #오픽 / 연관글나만의 입트영 활용법/ STEP 1Talk about people skin types.사람들의 피부 타입에 대해 이야기해 주세요.[Response]Everyone has a different skin type. They might have dry, neutral, oily, or sensitive skin. People care for their skin depending on their skin type. Moisturizing is important for dry skin. Otherwise, they might develop wrinkles. Break-outs are a common problem for oily skin, Skin trouble can cause acne scars. P.. 이전 1 2 다음